This Summer is gonna be loaded as it'll encounter campaigns and seminars with the speaker and teacher himself George. C. Prayers (George Prayers) with the message of hope and on a mandate from the Lord Jesus the Christ, it is said that at present, he has received numerous invitations from schools and corporate institutions to speak on Success and also, he is presently running a campaign he tagged Generation Next Revolution and Seminars he tagged Inspiring Generation Next with George. C. Prayers. As at March 2014, he held Success Seminar in Charles Dale Memorial International School (CDMIS) in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. On by July 2014, he held Success Seminar Special with the Olivet Heights Model Secondary School. It was awesome as souls thronged to give their hearts to Christ what a beautiful and unforgettable experience it was. It is George Prayers the Great George Prayers of this generation Leading the New Change.